A True Leader.
Torella Minor has a passion to walk in obedience to her Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, as well as a heart to serve the broken, discouraged and at risk young people in society. She is determined to connect a hurting world to a healing Savior.
She has served at risk youths for ten years as a spiritual role model, advocate, protector, and encourager, while providing a safe and loving environment for them to grow and thrive. She has seen many of these young people grow into productive, healthy and strong adults that love the Lord and are serving Him.
Torella has spent many years passionately teaching God's Word and walking along side many young people as a mentor. In culmination of her Christian growth, biblical teaching, and her love and desire to help the broken hearted live full obedient lives, complete in Christ, she embarked upon holding an annual "Esther's Ball". This was a formal dinner event in which teenagers took a pledge to remain sexually pure until marriage, after taking months of weekly classes in which they were taught biblical standards of sexual purity and resisting temptations.
Being a victim of sexual abuse herself, and after suffering the emotional and physical scars of giving in to the world's viewpoint of sexuality, Torella began her journey of personal healing and spiritual wholeness through Jesus Christ, and subsequently reached out to others, who had been sexually victimized and demoralized, to help them find healing in the love of Christ and in a safe and nurturing environment.
Her love for people and strong passion for the rescue, and restoration of youths from sexual abuse, through the love of Christ, propelled her into opening Mollie's House, a safe haven for sexually exploited girls.
Torella is determined to make it her life's mission to rescue and restore the younger generation and equip them to live the abundant life God created them to live.
Torella McAllister-Minor
Executive Director, Founder
Torella Minor, Founder